News from the CFPAB Trustees

News from the CFPAB Trustees

It is just a little over a year now that the Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board (CFPAB) achieved charity status. The Trustees have continued their work to promote professional standards in countering fraud and we now have swelled the ranks of the Trustees to five...
Fraud and AI – Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Fraud and AI – Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

This is the second article in the PDA series on Fraud and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this article we will be taking a closer look at Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) which are used to create extremely realistic images using AI, and how this can be used by...
Tackling Economic Crime Awards (TECAs) 2023

Tackling Economic Crime Awards (TECAs) 2023

‘Having attended my first TECA’s on behalf of the Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board (CFPAB) I would like to thank everyone who made the 2023 TECA’s the success it undoubtedly was. The afternoons event included some excellent thought provoking presentations...
Fraud and AI – what is ‘AI’?

Fraud and AI – what is ‘AI’?

This is the first article in a series on the Fraud and AI. In this series we will look at how new technologies such as ChatGPT and other ‘AI’ tools may assist fraudsters, what we can do to mitigate those risks, and break down some of the jargon and myths surrounding...
Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board

Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board

During 2022 the Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board approached the Charity Commission seeking charity status.  This was successful with the Charity Commission awarding charity status on 9th December 2022.  However, it required the Counter Fraud Professional...
Tenancy Fraud Forum (TFF) Conference 2023

Tenancy Fraud Forum (TFF) Conference 2023

PDA will once again be attending the Tenancy Fraud Forum (TFF) Conference being held on Thursday 20th April 2023 at the Kensington Conference & Events Centre.  Peter will give a presentation at the conference entitled ‘How to interview a fraudster’. We look...