PDA has supported the Tenancy Fraud Forum (TFF) through being a regular exhibitor at their conferences since 2017 and also its predecessor the Local Authority Investigation Officers Group (LAIOG).
It is one of the few conferences we attend every year which gives us a great opportunity to meet clients old and new and to listen to some excellent speakers from the world of countering fraud. This year’s conference, held at the BMA Building on Tavistock Square London on the 28th April was no exception. Once we were underway following the keynote speech from the chair, Katrina Robinson MBE, there was some particular stand out speakers from Southwark Council; Knights Solicitors; TFF Committee Members and Judge Nicola Carr.
PDA would recommend anyone from a Local Authority or Housing Association working on countering tenancy fraud attends a TFF Conference as the presentations from key speakers are designed to provide you with information that will assist you in your day-to-day work. You will also meet likeminded people and build up contacts in the fight against tenancy fraud.
We shall be at the TFF 2023 Conference – look forward to seeing you there – Peter
To see some snaps we took at the event, take a look at our gallery page.