What is your favourite part of the job?
My favourite part of the job is interacting with course attendees and delivering what I hope is an enjoyable and informative course.
What tasks does your job entail?
Delivering a course on Identity document fraud awareness highlighting security features of passports and other identity documents and how to spot counterfeit, forged and fake documents.
What is the most challenging part of being a trainer?
The most challenging part of being a trainer is engaging with the students and making the course interesting and informative regardless of their previous knowledge or experience or lack thereof.
What experience and qualifications do you have?
I have 30 years’ experience of investigation through my career as a Police Officer. I have attended numerous courses on investigation, exhibit handling and logging and interviewing witnesses and suspect offenders. I also have a qualification in advanced Forgery detection from the National Document Fraud Unit (NDFU) of the UKBA and a Professional development Training certificate from the Computer Terrorism Security Office. In 2019, I attained a level 3 award in education and training. (you can find more information on my skills and experience on the website including my ACFS course).
How long have you worked in the position and industry? – briefly explain your journey of positions and experience.
I have been involved in identity document fraud awareness since 2005 both within the Police service and with PDA.
My interest in identity document fraud started in 2005 when, during my time in the police, I was attached to the UKBA as a member of the National Police Unit Mentoring Immigration Officers on correct procedures on investigations, searches, warrants and exhibit handling. I was fortunate enough to have been selected to attend a 3-day fraud detection course with the NDFU; a skill I continued to use when I returned to my Force in a role in Special Branch. On transferring to the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism command, I attended an advanced 8-week course with the NDFU. Since retiring from the Police, I have worked with PDA delivering various courses and giving talks at conferences.
What was your first job?
My first real job upon leaving school was working for Chrysalis Record as a record promoter.

What skills did you develop in your career and at PDA?
Since joining PDA, I have completed an ACFS course and alongside Peter delivered a course to NHS investigators in Newcastle.
What does your average week look like?
Due to the Covid lockdown there is no average week. We have had to quickly adapt, and most courses can now be delivered via Zoom. Because of the restrictions, I have been involved in being a Clinical Lead at Covid Testing centres at the University of Creative Arts at their various Campuses in Kent, overseeing the testing of university students and staff (doing my bit lol).
What do you hope for PDA’s future?
My hopes for PDA’s future are that under Peter’s leadership, PDA continues to develop and grow.
Best/worst job decision you have ever made?
The best job decision I ever made was to join the police back in 1981. I never regretted a single day or career move within the police. Each role I undertook opened more opportunities and greater knowledge and skills which I continue to use to this day.
Read more about Ian and the rest of PDA on The Team